G reat news in very difficult times: One of our last cds : Jarek Adamów & Sami Swoi - Expedition To The Lost World, part II - Spring, was nominated to the German most prestigious music prize - Preis Der Deutschen Schalplatten Kritik in Traditionelle ethnische Musik.  Wonderfull news! It is a pity that not all the artists participating in the recording lived to see this moment.


Folken Music


T wo our new cds : Jarek Adamów & Sami Swoi - Expedition To The Lost World, part II - Spring and Jarek Adamów & Marcin Kozak - In Search of Sources are reviewed in new SONGLINES MAGAZINE, FOLKWORLD, FOLKER and WORLD MUSIC CENTRAL . Thank you very much for making us very happy !


Folken Music


G ood news in sad time : Today night the JPF Music Awards 2020 and Finalists were announced :

Best Jewish / Klezmer Song Winner - Jarek Adamów ETNOMALIA Projekt - Transhasyd
Best Jewish / Klezmer Album Finalists - Jarek Adamow ETNOMALIA Projekt
Best Polka Song Winner - Jarek Adamów ETNOMALIA Projekt - Polka
Best European Song Finalists  Anna Maria Jopek - Spójrz, Przeminęło
Best Jewish / Klezmer Song Finalists - Kroke - Valse Defoy
Best Smooth Jazz Song Finalists -  Anna Maria Jopek - Tylko tak mogło być
Best Smooth Jazz Song Winner - Anna Maria Jopek - Biel
Best Jazz Smooth Album Finalists - Anna Maria Jopek - Sobre Mesa
Best World Album Winner - Kroke - Ten

Congrats !

Folken Music

The most recent work of Jarek Adamów & My Persony Theatre is available online here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJgI2baIKKY


Folken Music


We are very happy to say that our albums : Sie Gra - " Memories of the Stone " , Jarek Adamow ETNOMALIA Projekt - " New Polish Klezmer Music " and Jarek Adamow - " Fall in Mountains " were just nominated to JPF 2017 Music Awards in U.S.A in 6 categories. There were more then 17 400 cds from all over the world into this competition. Great success !

Folken Music



Today was one of the happiest day in our life. We saw the information that our cd - SieGra - Memories of the Stone was nominated to the German most prestigious music prize - Preis Der Deutschen Schalplatten Kritik in Folk & Singer / Songwriter category. Great news !

Folken Music



Very surprising interpretation made by Chicago Hedwing Dances artists to Jarek Adamów song "Klezmer Cocktail" from cd "Songs of the Medieval Polish Bards. Here is a link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OAsBpfjUVM

Folken Music

Great review of cd - "Fall in Mountains" has been published in Italy. Nice to see Italian language again: http://folkenmusic.com/index.php/pl/2013-09-02-09-31-52/jarek-adamow-fall-in-mountais

Folken Music

The newest cd - Jarek Adamów "Fall in Mountains" - as one of the best cds of Folk Phonograph of the Year 2013 Polish Radio Competiton !

Folken Music

Review in new Songlines Magazine !

Jarek Adamów - Fall in Mountains

Folken Music (46mins)

A total Polish hurdy – gurdy extravaganza

What's striking about this album is how different it is from any other music currently coming out of Poland. It's one man's personal exploration of the country's forgotten tradition of itinerant ballad singers. The bards accompanied themselves on hurdy – gurdy and in Jarek Adamów's minimalist approach the hurdy – gurdy accompaniment is rarely more than a drone. Adamów also plays clarinet and he opens Fall in Mountains with a slow introductory improvisation to create a sense of space and stillness. He follows it with “Return from Turkish Captivity”, a long ballad with hurdy – gurdy drone and an accompaniment on drums. It will mean more to those who understand Polish but even as pure music it has an inexorable power as the drum patterns become more insistent. After a pastoral flute interlude, the next ballad, “Beautiful Soul”, is a religious song with lyrics about the rich laughing at the poor and a full, almost organ – like hurdy gurdy melody. The album's highlight is “Our Lady of Gidle”, a beautiful melody which Adamów remembers his grandfather singing. The final two tracks here take a different direction, with klezmer melodies on hurdy – gurdy and a slow tune written by the famous late klezmerist Dave Tarras and played on clarinet.

Simon Broughton

Folken Music

Great review by Eelco Schilder from Folk World has been published :

Jarek Adamów - "Fall in Mountains. Folken Music 2013. I’m a fan of Adamóv his work since I got his solo album Songs of the medieval Polish bards almost ten years ago.[27] The past few years I have reviewed several albums by groups he was part of, but I’m more than happy to review his latest solo album called Fall in mountains. Helped in the first two songs by Marek Durda on Hurdy gurdy, Adamów impresses me again with probably one of his best work until today. With his mixture of traditional and original material Adamów captures the soul of each song perfectly. With his sober style he shows the nakedness of each song and by doing this he shows the essence of each composition without any unnecessary additional sounds. It’s that pureness of the music that makes him unique, Adamów is not afraid to play from his heart and soul and that can be heard in his music. Sometimes vocals, hurdy-gurdy drone and a drum only and a haunting tale is revealed like in the over eleven minutes long masterpiece Powrót z niewoli tureckiej. Which is followed by a three and a half minutes shepherd flute solo, something totally different but it fits perfectly. Ending the album with a clarinet solo, Adamów shows me exactly why he is one of my favourite (Polish) musicians of this time. Not many musicians are capable of bringing music back to the essence of a song, Adamów does that all the time.

Folken Music

Website has been opened!
Jarek Adamów
